At the Cathedral, each time we baptize a child of God, whether an infant or an adult, we renew our Baptismal Covenant. In doing so, we are reminded that our call as members of the body of Christ is to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves” and to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being” (BCP, p. 305). As the Body of Christ, we come together to form a loving, trusting community of believers committed to the promises of God in Jesus Christ. Whether we are lay or ordained, we are to treat members of our congregation, staff members, and all in need who come to us in such a manner that they may experience the healing ministry of Christ and be received with the same care and dignity our Lord showed to those who came to him.

Our church is to be a place of sanctuary for all of God’s people. The expectation of sanctuary in a sacred space is one of safety and community. To be a sanctuary, the Church must form itself as a pastoral community where trust is expected and upheld. Trust is fundamental to covenantal love and the well-being of the Christian community. Christian people have the right to expect that those they choose as leaders, lay and ordained, are committed to standards of behavior that are trustworthy. Pastoral leadership in the Church is a calling that entails the highest standards of personal responsibility and integrity.


Everyone applying for a position at the Cathedral must agree to undergo a background check. For more information on background checks, contact Mark McQueen.

SAFEGUARDING god’s children

Safeguarding God’s Children provides participants with the information they need to protect the children they know and care for in their personal lives and in the ministries in which they serve. The program is based on the philosophy that if every adult can protect just one child, he or she will forever change one life. If we can all change one life, together we will make a difference in this generation of children.

 The Diocese of Tennessee requires that each parish actively protect its children and youth so that we may live into our baptismal covenant and help them grow stronger in their life in Christ.

Who needs to attend?

  • All paid parish staff members who have not completed a child abuse and sexual misconduct prevention program. Recertification may be completed online.

  • Any volunteers working with children and youth (including Christian education leaders) who have not completed a child abuse and sexual misconduct prevention program.

  • Anyone who wishes to learn more about how his or her parish can protect children and youth.


Sexual misconduct and the abuse of power or position are condemned; neither will be tolerated in the Diocese of Tennessee. However, it is also understood that sexual misconduct may be committed unknowingly (or for causes not immediately recognized). Also, allegations of such misconduct may be made mistakenly or without foundation. Consequently, it has become imperative to express, as official Diocesan policy, a statement of policies and procedures for dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct against clergy and other church workers.

Allegations of sexual misconduct will be taken seriously and will be investigated promptly. These policies and procedures provide fairness to the accusing party and to the accused, and include a healing process for the accusing party, the accused, and, if applicable, an affected congregation.


The Title IV Canons of the Episcopal Church require every diocese to provide for and publicize methods of reporting instances of possible clergy misconduct. The Diocese of Tennessee has such a procedure in place.

Anyone desiring to report possible clergy misconduct should contact the Intake Officer of the Diocese of Tennessee, the Reverend Kristine Blaess.

The Reverend Kristine Blaess
St. George’s Church
4715 Harding Rd.
Nashville, Tennessee 37205

Title IV, Canon 6 outlines the procedure to be followed once a report of possible clergy misconduct has been received.